Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sara is...

... way behind on the Blog, so she has copied and pasted all her facebook status updates for the last several weeks, annotated most of them to provide some measure of detail, and is going to post them all right here so as to try keep a continuous record of everything that has been going on lately!!


…had an actual conversation with Hank tonight about what he did at daycare during the day! (it went something like Me: Hank, what did you do today? Hank: “Cwisss!! (Chris = daycare provider) Me: did you go to Chris’ house? Hank: Yeaaaah. Cwisss house. Me: Did you play? Hank: Yeaaaaah. Mah-wee! (Molly – Hank’s new daycare pal). Me: Did you play with Molly? Hank: Hug Mah-wee!! Me: What are we doing now? Hank: Go see Daddy! Me: Yep, we are going to go see Daddy right now. Hank: Daddy! Me: And we’ll have some dinner. Hank: Chik-ken? Bakkawee? (broccoli) Haat dog? Di-Doo (Dinner). Turns out Hank is also picking up some Portuguese at daycare from the new assistant. Very cool!)

…is lugging a 70 pound suitcase to work on public transportation. Not recommended. (returning to my office the morning after my first trial! Well, that makes it sound more impressive than it was – the judge didn’t need to hear from the two witnesses I was supposed to question, so I spent the day as the document-finder and client-calmer. Still, it was a good experience).

…'bye bye, kite! Kite! Kite! Kite!' (We took Hank on a walk at the Berkeley Marina and he really enjoyed the kites. Next time we go there we’ll definitely take our own kite with us for him to play with).

…had a really nice time with Kim and Carey last night -- I can't believe they moved away seven years ago.

…had to give up on watching the Bill Moyers documentary on uninsured Americans -- much too sad. No one should find that she is suffering from stage 3c ovarian cancer before getting a diagnosis simply because she didn't have health insurance and ...no doctors would see her. Please, please, please support healthcare reform in the U.S. (and contact your representatives to ask them to support reform, too). (bummed out to find out tonight that Senator Ted Kennedy passed away tonight, before any healthcare reform could be passed in his lifetime).

…is delighted that Project Runway is back on if for no other reason than I get to hear Henry do Heidi Klum impersonations all evening and he gets super catty. Mrow!

…is planning to settle a big case today and then come home and partake in three hours worth of Project Runway related goodness.

…has new glasses and can actually see up close for the first time in nearly two years.

…no! I do not want a Free Examiner!!! When in the last five months have I ever said, 'yes, I'd love a Free Examiner??' (on my way from BART to my office I pass by three corners where paper “boys” hand out free Examiner newspapers. I never, ever take them and it drives me crazy that these same three people who I pass by daily still thrust the Examiner in my face as I try to walk past).

…was “served” a cup of “coffee” by her 21 month old barista this morning. (Hank and I had our first tea party this morning! He came up to me repeatedly with a toy coffee cup and would hand to me, saying, ‘Mama, coffee!’, wait for me to pretend to drink it, and then we would repeat. Oh it was cute. It was the most delicious cip of coffee I've ever had).

…is soliciting opinions on net books. Anyone have one and want to tell me about it? (my laptop has been exhibiting signs that it is on its last legs…. Of course after posting this query I found out the the new and improved version of the laptop that I already own can be purchased for less than half of what I paid for this one. Vaio, I remain committed to thee).

…et famille have made it back from Pinecrest - we are sleepy, sundrenched, dirty, and happy! As a bonus, got to have dinner with a friend from high school -- Jeremy! -- who I hadn't seen in 16 or 17 years. (We had a delightful long weekend camping trip at Pinecrest. I’m so excited to share this place with my family, that my family used to share with me. We camped with Melissa and Emmett and 7 yr old Thomas and the 14 month old Lillie and Liam. The kids had a great time together – Thomas played so well with Hank, it was really impressive. The kids discovered that our tent, complete with our queen size air mattress essentially became a bounce house. Hank bounced in the tent endlessly, chanting ‘bouncy bounce! Bouncy bounce! Tent!! Tent!!’ He also go to meet a little bat, and he’s still talking about it. Very cute. He wouldn’t wear his shoes the entire weekend. It has been a couple of weeks since we’ve been back now, and I think his feet are still dirty).

…cannot believe that her personal "to do" list consists primarily of self-care-type things that are long over due: get a haircut, get new glasses, get teeth cleaned. Anyone else feel like they have been ignoring themselves? (I’m sure I’m not the only working mom who feels this way. When did I become a Zero on my priorities list? I still haven’t managed to get a haircut of make a dentist appointment, but I did manage to get my eyes checked and get new glasses since posting this update).

…and Hank spent the day with Carol and Beck, taking BART on a field trip to SFO. Surprising how few planes one can actually see at the airport.

…et famille tried to have a cultural experience tonight, but ended up at the playground instead. (We went to see the SF Mime Troupe’s newest show, because Henry wanted to go see it. As we approached, a little bit late, we could hear that the show was already in session. Henry said “do you hear singing? Mimes don’t sing!” He thought it was mimes – like Marcel Marceau. Hank wasn’t interested at all, either, so we went down the road to the play ground for a while).

…John Hughes died. :( I know what movies I am watching this weekend.

…I'm not too surprised that this Morris House alumna took the "What Smith Stereotype Are You" quiz, and found out she is a Green Streeter. Once a Green Streeter, always a Green Streeter...

…is wondering why they don't write songs like Eye Of The Tiger anymore.

…just scrolled through her list of friends here on facebook, and is feeling grateful to have found a place to mingle and reconnect with all these wonderful people she has known throughout her life.

…is in her office, and trying to get things done, while listening to an NPR podcast about naps.

…is thinking fondly of all the wonderful handmade things that Hank snuggled down with to sleep last night, all the lovely people who made those things, and is thinking she might give her etsy shop one more shot.

…Is listening as Henry wrangles Hank through a morning tantrum, so that I can hang out in bed little longer. Thanks Daddy!

…Target is Hank's favorite new playground. Toys!! Escalators!! (Henry taught him to up and down the escalator and he just loved it. He is especially cute riding down the escalator. He sits quietly on the step right above him and stands up and the escalator reaches the bottom and hops off yelling ‘uppy down!! Gain again!!’).

…is taking Hank on a playdate with a mom she's never met before, and is feeling like she's going on a blind date. (This was a little weird, but I really wanted to get Hank together with a friend of his from daycare who, at the time, he was talking about constantly. We’ll probably do it again, but I’m going to make sure the dads come, too).

JULY 2009
…is thinking about all the great goodnight songs that are out there but is still so stuck on the Counting Crows that she has to hum "Goodnight Elisabeth" tonight. Goodnight!

…just had her first professional interaction with a former professor! It was a treat to talk to Susan Rutberg again after all these years.

…is incredibly happy for a friend today.

…desperately needs a corner to herself that no cats can access.

…is mandoline, banjo, accordion, stand up bass, organ, guitars, conga drums, pianos, and a whole lot of rock and roll.

…is waiting for the show to start at the Greek

…is on her way out to see the Counting Crows. ROCK!!!

…feels like such a 'mom' today -- she actually hired a babysitter.

…is feeling grateful for her loving family and lovely friends. I get so much out of all of you. Hugs and kisses.

…wants to know why everyone on this train is so damn stinky.

…enjoyed the O'Keefe and Adams exhibit at the MOMA yesterday, but was blown away by the Richard Avedon retrospective.

…is waiting for her hot tub and massage.

…is headed to the county fair today

…Hank just said 'i love you mommy!'

…earlier fears were unfounded. Hank's first trip to the exploratorium was terrific. He's in the back seat, now, chanting "fun today! Fun today!". Hoping we started a life time love of experiential education today.

…reports that Hank now knows he has TWO sets of grandparents, and cannot believe his luck!

…just updated her blog while riding in the car. Yay for mobility!

…wishes her compatriots would pack things up and call it a night around here. It sounds like afganistan. (this was late in the night on 4th of July).

…is enjoying an old fashioned parade in downtown orinda with her mama and her kiddo.

JUNE 2009

…has failed in her lunch time attempt to remedy her shoe issues.

…was proud to join so many wonderful people at Pride. It was an honor to share the day with them.

…doesn't know if she should be impressed or horrified that when Hank came up asking for a new diaper, it was because he had somehow managed to take a dirty one off and leave it on the hallway floor without taking off his pants.

…is gonna blame it on the boogie. (Michael Jackson died. Now they have ruled it a homicide!).

…is eagerly awaiting Henry's victorious return from the Apple store. (He was victorious and we are now addicted to our iPhones).

…is listening to her overtired boy cry and cry and cry instead of sleep. It was so much nicer listening to him sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star earlier this evening. Sigh. (We never tire of listening to Hank sing. It is just wonderful how musical he is).

…is so grateful to have seen so many of her old teachers tonight. (We went to a party at my high school to celebrate the retirement and career of the head of the school, who was Dean when I was a student there. So many of our old teachers were there and it was such a treat to see them again).

…is wondering just what to expect at a first-time home buyer's seminar...

…had the best time at the Drive In last night. Finally -- another place we go to a movie without needing to get a sitter! (Hank’s first drive in movie was the latest Pixar confection, ‘Up!’. We kind of thought that he’d fall asleep in the back of the car, but no – he loved watching the movie, and when he did grow bored, he loved playing in the car. What’s not to like?)

…and Henry just survived Hank's first epic tantrum. Holy cow.

MAY 2009

…wishes that each day could hold as much beauty as the weekend did. (it was a beautiful long weekend in Yosemite with Branwyn, Stephen, Allyndreth, and David. What fun!! Marmots!)

…three years ago tomorrow. Loves to Henry!

…a sad, sad day for the East Bay. :( Both Speakeasy theaters are now closed. (these are the theaters that held Baby Brigade and had a full dinner menu and beer. We miss the theaters so much!)