Thursday, July 12, 2007


We had our 20 Week ultrasound a few days ago, and ever since, I've been calling the stowaway Skeletor, as these pictures may illustrate. It was quite peaceful to see that things are progressing as they should be. No one has called us yet to give us any alarming news, so I think all is OK. The baby was breech and backwards, so it was hard for the tech to get really clear pictures, but she assured us she saw everything she needed to see. I'm not too worried at this point about the breech positioning -- from what I understand we've got about 10 weeks still before we need to worry about that. Nevertheless, I'll be asking my yoga teacher for some advice on opening up in the abdomen, making more space in there, and helping the baby get turned the right way. I really don't want to have to have a C.

Here you can see nose and nostrils, a lip, and the chin.


More of the same.

I'm not sure what that is on the left, but on the right, there is a foot!

Here's that foot again.

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