Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nothing Says 'Happy New Year' Like Burning Things

CIMG9137, originally uploaded by douray.

Last saturday night Henry and I took Hank and several dried up xmas trees to Ocean Beach for the annual tree burning. My parents met us down there with their xmas tree, so including the ones we picked up on the street outside our building, I think we had five or six trees to burn. We got to the beach right at dusk, as the nearly full moon was rising over the edge of Golden Gate Park. All the fire rings were already taken, so we joined another group at theirs and pretty soon trees were going up in flames (FWOOOSH!!) all around us. It was super fun.

Hank has been super awesome the last couple of weeks -- he's so busy, all the time. His need to explore is on an all time high. Henry and I took him to Ikea last night to have meatballs and buy a curtain rod, and we turned him loose in the sofa department. We let him run amok, climbing here, running there, for quite sometime -- until it was clear that he was becoming a danger to himself or others, at which time we had no choice but to put him on stroller arrest.

My favorite thing he's done lately is give me a real live, honest to goodness hug. I'm still waiting on a sloppy kiss from him, and those pesky teeth, but I'll happily settle on a hug from my big boy.

1 comment:

Jen, Leo & Kate's mom said...

This sounds so cool, I've never heard of it. I'll have to keep it in mind for next year cause darn it our tree is still sitting on our balcony. Maybe we'll just keep it til next year, haah.